Backstage with Michelle Branch
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Go to the links below and vote for Michelle! Every vote counts!

Vote for Michelle Branch's video "Everywhere" and "All You Wanted" on MTV's Total Request Live!

"All You Wanted" will premiere on January 17, 2002


The number is 1-800-DIAL-MTV (1.800.342.5688) and it is free to call. The calls must be made between 3:00PM and 3:30PM EST, Monday through Friday. Remember, everyone is calling at the same time so dont let by a busy signal, get you down! It is easier to get through right at the beginning so dont forget!
CALL from 3:00 3:30P (Eastern Time)
CALL from 2:00 2:30P (Central Time)
CALL from 1:00 1:30P (Mountain Time)
CALL from 12:00 12:30P (Pacific Time)

*Congratulations on getting Michelle's "Everywhere" video to debut on August 10! Carson LOVES Michelle! It seems that he can't say enough good things about her.

*Backstage with Michelle Branch*